Maria Serena Falagiani


Hi everybody! My name’s Maria Serena Falagiani and I’m a full time teacher in two schools belonging to the group “Liberi di Educare” – San Giuseppe and San Gaspare del Bufalo – and the coordinator of the project “Improve your English” for all the schools of the group. I graduated in 1997 from College of Florence where I studied Foreign Languages and Corresponding Literature – English and German – with a dissertation in American poetry on the poetess Jorie Graham, winner of the Pulitzer prize for poetry in 1996. After some work experiences in different fields, my deep passion for languages and teaching brought me back to education. I lived in California fo a year in 1996 where I attended University of the Pacific in Stockton. For the past three years I’ve been spending my Summers in Portland (OR – USA) where I have several friends. In 2013 I attained CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English) from Cambridge University, a certificate that attests the knowledge of English at the same level of a mother tongue English speaker. I love being an English teacher!